Nicole Vacha

Published on 19. June 2024


Press release


Playful educational work for the generation of tomorrow: RecycleMich supported Lidl Austria in the 2023/2024 school run season

Reading time: 1 Minute, 36 Seconds

On Tuesday, 11 June 2024, the final of this year’s school runs took place in Eisenstadt. Thousands of children and their teachers were in attendance. Large events like this often generate a lot of packaging, which is unfortunately hard to avoid. To create an incentive to recycle the packaging in the right bin, the RecycleMich app provided support throughout the season and, of course, at the final in Eisenstadt.

Proper recycling must become a matter of course for the younger generation

“There is no Planet B – this saying expresses how important it is to look after our planet. We need to start again with the younger generation and familiarise them with the topic so that they learn how to treat resources and materials with respect right from the start. Proper recycling must become a matter of course,” says Simon Lindenthaler, Head of Corporate Affairs at Lidl Austria, about the long-standing collaboration with the RecycleMich initiative.

Früh übt sich, wer eine Recycling-Held:in werden möchte: Teilnehmer:innen des Lidl Schullaufs lernen am RecycleMich-Stand, wie man Verpackungen richtig trennt © Raan Gruppe

Into a more recyclable future with RecycleMich

“The circular economy needs all of us if we want to improve packaging recycling. And if we can communicate this to the generation of tomorrow, we will have taken an important step towards a circular future. However, we often fail to find the right bin. Very few people still know which bin to dispose of their packaging waste in,” says Ines Kilnhofer from the management team of the RecycleMich initiative, describing the current challenge facing the industry. “By playfully showing even the youngest children how to correctly separate and dispose of packaging, we are laying the foundations for their future behaviour. And to motivate them to take part, we are giving away vouchers for a healthy school snack from Lidl.”

If the packaging is separated correctly and disposed of in the right bin, it can be returned to the material cycle as recycled material. In this way, we save valuable resources and can significantly extend the life of packaging.

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