Hochwald works with an early warning system for packagin

Hochwald arbeitet mit einem Frühwarnsystem für Verpackungen

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Hochwald Foods GmbH produces high-quality food from the raw material of milk for people all over the world. As an internationally operating, cooperatively structured company in the food and dairy industry, Hochwald Foods GmbH has been focusing on long-term strategies and sustainable values for many years.

It is a particular challenge to know and fulfil the national regulations and requirements in all relevant countries – while focusing on the actual core business. To meet this challenge, Hochwald Foods GmbH cooperates with RecycleMe in the area of an “early warning system for packaging”.

Quality and care throughout the value chain

Hochwald’s goal is to supply customers with high-quality and attractive dairy products – and the company pays strict attention to particularly high quality standards. On the one hand, this applies to the food products themselves, but also, of course, to the packaging and processes surrounding product production and distribution. In the environment of extended producer responsibility (EPR), there are many national and international specifications. This also applies to the recyclability of packaging. In these areas, Hochwald Foods GmbH has an innovative partner with the necessary expertise in RecycleMe.

Reacting early and deciding with foresight

“We have a very good and regular exchange with Hochwald Foods GmbH,” reports Maya Burger, Consultant at RecycleMe. “In joint workshops, for example, we were able to build up valuable know-how on international EPR obligations and discuss the best possible implementation.”

In addition, Maya Burger and her team support Hochwald Foods GmbH with RecycleMe’s ongoing monitoring service: “This allows us to provide daily updates on innovations and developments that are particularly relevant to our client.”. It’s a service that enables Hochwald Foods GmbH to make early strategic decisions. This gives the company the opportunity to make forward-looking and sustainable decisions and to adapt its processes at an early stage due to changing laws.

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Felix Raubach
Corporate Communications


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