RecycleMich and Lidl Austria are shaping packaging recycling together

RecycleMich und Lidl Österreich gestalten gemeinsam das Verpackungsrecycling

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Circular economy needs all of us if we want to improve packaging recycling

Sustainable commitment and responsible business practices play an important role at Lidl Austria in improving the circular economy and packaging recycling in Austria. Where possible, the Group says “Pfiat di Plastik” and reduces or eliminates plastic. Where this does not make sense, attention is paid to good recyclability and high recycling rates.

Packaging recycling in Austria: the RecycleMich app

Convictions like these unite: Since the release of our RecycleMich app in 2020, Lidl Austria has been a permanent cooperation partner. With the help of the app, more than 1.7 million items of packaging across Austria have already been correctly separated in the yellow bin and yellow bag and the community has been rewarded for their efforts with competition prizes, including shopping vouchers from Lidl.

Education about correct recycling at the Lidl school runs

The Lidl school runs, which are held throughout Austria, are a special highlight every year. Martina Tiefenbacher, Corporate Communications Consultant at Lidl Austria, and Ines Kilnhofer, Brand Developer RecycleMich, were on site last year in Vienna, among other places (see photo), to sensitise even the youngest members of our society to the correct disposal of packaging waste. The 25th school run season has begun. To mark the occasion, we spoke to Simon Lindenthaler, Head of Corporate Affairs, about the cooperation between Lidl Austria and RecycleMich.

Interview with Simon Lindenthaler, Head of Corporate Affairs Lidl Austria:

1. For the third time already, Lidl Austria and the RecycleMich initiative appeared together at the Lidl School Runs 2023. The pupils recycle with enthusiasm. In your opinion, why is it so important to involve even the youngest children in the cycle?

S. Lindenthaler: “There is no Planet B” – this saying expresses how important it is to look after our planet. We need to start again with the younger generation and familiarise them with the topic so that they learn how to treat resources and materials with respect right from the start. Proper recycling must become a matter of course.

2. The RecycleMich app logo can be found on some of Lidl’s own-brand packaging. Why was it important to you to inform your consumers about the RecycleMich initiative while they were shopping?

S. Lindenthaler: In order to facilitate sustainable changes in behaviour, we need informed consumers on the one hand and positive incentives on the other. RecycleMich is a good way to do this.

3. Lidl Austria has been an important cooperation partner of the RecycleMich initiative for four years now. As a reward for recycling empty packaging correctly, all users can even win shopping vouchers from Lidl. Why is it important to you to support this initiative?

S. Lindenthaler: We are happy to support meaningful initiatives – especially in the initial phase, as a kind of start-up aid. RecycleMich’s commitment is a good approach and we hope that it will find further support. It will take the efforts of many to drive forward the necessary circular economy more quickly and sustainably. Every contribution is important.

© Lidl School Run Austria – Martina Tiefenbacher, Corporate Communications Consultant at Lidl Austria and Ines Kilnhofer, Brand Developer RecycleMich at the Lidl School Run 2023 in Vienna

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