TÜV-Certified calculation of recyclability

TÜV-Zertifizierte Berechnung von Recyclingfähigkeit

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Design for Recycling

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When it comes to calculating the recyclability of packaging, our customers rely on our versatile range of services – and rightly so! Because the calculation of recyclability has now also been confirmed by TÜV SÜD as an independent testing body through a software certification.

Recyclability as an important factor for economic success

Companies are primarily interested in achieving their economic goals. An increasingly important role is also played by the ecological responsibility behind every corporate activity. With recyclable packaging, companies kill two birds with one stone.
On the one hand, they are fulfilling their responsibility towards the environment, because they are doing their part to keep valuable raw materials in the cycle and thus conserve natural resources.

On the other hand, they secure important competitive advantages over their competitors. Because with recyclable packaging they comply with the legislation and thus avoid severe sanctions. In addition, they remain relevant on the market, because the consumption behaviour of their customers is increasingly influenced by sustainable requirements.

Certified procedures analyse and evaluate recyclability

With our comprehensive range of services for calculating and evaluating recyclability, we offer our customers various options for analysing their packaging, identifying optimisation potential and having good results confirmed.

The level of detail of the analysis can be decided flexibly: A free, independent check with our online tool, an intensive analysis by our team of experts with the help of a digital packaging twin or an examination of the recycling performance under realistic conditions in a sorting plant.

The calculation and methodology behind each variant is the same and is based on the currently valid minimum standard of the german Central Packaging Register (Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister – ZSVP). This makes them the core of our expertise. We have now also had this certified by an independent testing body: We are very proud that our Circulate application software has received official software certification by TÜV SÜD.

We empower visionaries on the way to a modern and feasible circular economy!

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I look forward to getting to know you and your company!

Felix Raubach
Corporate Communications


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