Barbara Krauss

Published on 13. June 2023

Updated on 22. August 2023


Case Study

Table of contents
  1. Member companies receive sound know-how and a comprehensive overview
  2. The circular idea is also becoming a requirement in the tool industry

EPR in the tool industry (FWI)

Reading time: 2 Minutes, 35 Seconds

FWI und RecycleMe Logo

The Fachverband Werkzeugindustrie e.V. (FWI) is the association for manufacturers of hand tools, machine tools and construction fixings in Germany.

In addition to promoting quality tools and the practical design and implementation of laws, the FWI also offers its member companies extensive networking opportunities. For an association with around 150 member companies, the intensive discussion of topics such as sustainability and environmental protection is also part of daily business.

For this reason, FWI regularly organizes events for its member companies in cooperation with RecycleMe, for example in the form of regular meetings or online webinars, during which experts from RecycleMe provide extensive information on relevant topics from the circular economy. As a sister association of the FWI, the German Brushware Producers also benefits from RecycleMe’s expertise and receives the information provided.

Member companies receive sound know-how and a comprehensive overview

The tool industry is subject to various national and international legislations in the field of circular economy and extended producer responsibility (EPR). Especially in connection with sales or transport packaging, there are binding regulations and specifications for manufacturers and their distribution in different European countries. Adhering to these and applying them to one’s own portfolio in the best possible way will lead to a decisive competitive advantage – not least because violations can be punished with fines or sales bans.

Whether it’s mandatory labelling, recyclability of packaging, obligations to provide evidence of the quantities placed on the market or quotas of recyclate that must be complied with – the requirements for companies that put packaging into circulation are numerous and complex”, summarises Barbara Krauss, Circularity Manager at RecycleMe. “Our aim is to provide companies with a comprehensive overview and sound know-how. Of course we also accompany and support with the implementation until the individual goals are achieved.

Reclay, a sister company of RecycleMe, is also a member of the FWI. Reclay has been active as a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) in Germany for over 20 years and operates many other take-back systems in Europe and North America.

The circular idea is also becoming a requirement in the tool industry

As a professional association, we want to offer our members the broadest possible range of services”, explains Thomas Holland-Letz, Deputy Managing Director of FWI. “On the one hand, this includes our function as a contact partner for effective representation of their corporate interests vis-à-vis the public and politics. But on the other hand, it also includes access to information and research from our collected network as well as a platform for the mutual exchange of experiences and best practice solutions – also in the increasingly important field of packaging.

For Holland-Letz, it goes without saying that the idea of a circular economy has long been lived out on a daily basis in the tool industry as well. “The signs of the times are obvious for all industries. As a tool industry, we want to set a good example in this sense. That is why we are pleased to have real experts in this field in our network with partners like RecycleMe. Our member companies and our entire industry benefit from this expertise.


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