To fulfill your international reporting obligations, you will need a precise list of your packaging master data, such as the material fractions and their weights, as well as the product classifications. You will also need to undergo various audits after submitting your corresponding quantity declarations. We have the technical expertise to provide you with the best possible support in these processes.
We analyze your products and packaging in the context of the respective national legislation and requirements. This ensures that you are optimally prepared for handling your obligations in accordance with Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).
We support you in the course of international official inspections, such as audits i. e. by the Austrian Packaging Coordination Body (VKS). We accompany you in the preparation, execution and during follow-up processes.
Did we convince you of our values and services? You are welcome to contact us via e-mail or just give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you! Together we will ensure a more sustainable future.
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