Maya Burger

Published on 17. March 2023

Updated on 20. March 2023


Case Study

Sustainability strategy

Table of contents
  1. RecycleMe brings sustainability strategies to life
  2. Always following the motto: "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"
  3. Companies achieve their sustainability goals and retain their employees

Joint understanding of a more sustainable approach in everyday business life 

Reading time: 2 Minutes, 3 Seconds

Buzzwords like circular economy and sustainability are becoming more and more present in our everyday lives. Companies have also been dealing with these principles quite some time now – and that is a good thing.   

The recently published trend study Sustainable Turn 2025 by RecycleMe and ROI EFESO made it clear once again: entrepreneurial success and a transparent and authentic sustainability strategy are inextricably linked. Not least because a well-thought-out sustainability concept can be the decisive advantage in the “battle” for talented and motivated colleagues, who will take the company forward.  

RecycleMe brings sustainability strategies to life

But how does a company credibly carry its own sustainability strategy into the organisation? Employers need to recognise the opportunities of the sustainable change we are in. Through targeted measures, they can raise sustainability awareness among their employees.  

Roberta and Roberto Raan are exemplary sustainability professionals and can help companies do just that. Our “Robbie” Raan team takes our clients’ colleagues through their daily routine and explains the most important basic rules of sustainable behaviour in the working environment.   

Always following the motto: “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”

Companies can use the “Robbie” Raan Team for their employees in individual formats: Whether in detailed and high-quality illustrated experience reports or in practical workshops directly on site. In this way, each and every individual can get to know and internalise the waste hierarchy “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” by means of comprehensible situations.  

From cycling to work, to eating lunch from a reusable lunchbox, to separating waste correctly in the office – “Robbie” Raan brings all teams to understand the topic of sustainability and thus helps companies to make their own sustainability strategy tangible and transparent. 

Companies achieve their sustainability goals and retain their employees

With “Robbie” Raan, we have already helped several large and internationally active companies to achieve their sustainability goals and to promote increased awareness within the organisation. 

Nowadays, there are still many misconceptions, myths and uncertainties about the correct separation of waste – whether in the workplace or in private life. Yet environmentally conscious separation and disposal behaviour is an essential prerequisite for a functioning circular economy. The recycling of valuable resources from the earth is necessary for future-oriented climate protection.

Our expertise on current trends in the circular economy and waste disposal helps to increase the importance of sustainable handling in everyday business life. Such an exchange is very valuable for the entire organisation and helps to provide employees with helpful insights into the importance of secondary raw materials. 

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