Roberto Lerche

Published on 23. May 2023

Updated on 22. May 2024


Case Study


Table of contents
  1. Detailed determination of all master data
  2. Well-founded packaging weights at the push of a button
  3. Want to know more about this service?

Packaging weighing as the basis for licensing

Reading time: 2 Minutes, 27 Seconds


Maintained master data is the be-all and end-all in sustainable packaging management!

How high the fee for the licensing of packaging is each year depends largely on the weight and material of the individual packaging components. It is therefore essential to determine this master data correctly and store it with the products in the system. RecycleMe customers, such as large trading companies with a wide product range of several thousand items or international online retailers, face enormous challenges.

Weighing packaging – for many, that sounds like a quick thing that can be done easily and simply by yourself. But it is more than just determining the weight: For example, all packaging must be properly documented before weighing, labels must be completely removed, and each component must be recorded individually. Everything must be documented in a comprehensible way, not only for a possible audit. Companies that ship to multiple markets often must comply with different licensing regulations: e.g., different product categories must be reported, or different size specifications apply when distinguishing between product and transport packaging.

Ideally, the determined weights are automatically stored in a digital master database for each individual product, so that packaging weights for license quantity reports are available at the push of a button. In this way, individual specifications for each sales market can easily be considered.

Detailed determination of all master data

The experts at RecycleMe have many years of experience in analysing packaging for different industries. As part of the product “packaging weighing and master data analysis” the packaging is separated into the individual material components, all packaging data (such as weight, material, etc.) is recorded and then classified into the various packaging fractions. International differences are also considered, so that correct master data for the individual products is available for all relevant sales markets.

Well-founded packaging weights at the push of a button

“We provide the results of the finished packaging weighing and master data analysis in the form of a comprehensive data table as documentation. This well-founded database is compatible with all common software solutions and can be efficiently imported into the internal goods system via interfaces. As soon as the next quantity report for the licensing of the packaging is due, the packaging data can be quickly exported based on the sales figures. We support our customers in reporting in accordance with the law in all countries. At the same time, money and time can be saved because the companies have reliable master data at their disposal,” says Timo Holler*, Circularity Manager at RecycleMe, describing the benefit for the customer.

Want to know more about this service?

Please contact us for your individual offer! We are looking forward to your contact.


*Note: Timo Holler no longer works for our company. Your new contact person for master data and packaging analysis is Roberto Lerche. If you have any questions about master data and packaging analysis, please contact us at


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