Deposit system in Austria - our services

The Deposit Ordinance comes into force in Austria on 1 January 2025.

RecycleMe supports you in fulfilling your obligations in connection with deposits in Austria. 

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How can you prepare for the deposit system in Austria? 

From 2025, Austria will have a deposit system for single-use drinks packaging.This will also entail new obligations for companies that produce or place the packaging in question on the market. 

This is how RecycleMe supports the issue of deposits in Austria:

We check your individual obligations:

Compliance Compass -
What role do you play in the deposit system?   
What obligations does this entail 
How do you fulfil these obligations? 

We carry out a packaging check:

  • Does your packaging fall within the scope?  
  • Does it fulfil the technical requirements? 
  • What adjustments or changes need to be made?  
  • Can you benefit from eco-modulated producer charges due to the recyclability of your packaging? 

We help you to fulfil your obligations:

  • Registration with the Central Office (including submission of specimens) 
  • Position of the authorised representative 
  • Fulfilment of reporting obligations 
  • Support with the implementation of labelling requirements 
  • Support in utilising the right of first refusal for sorted fractions 
  • Continuous data maintenance in the register of the Central Agency (including registration of new packaging subject to deposit)  

RecycleMe webinar on
the topic of deposits in Austria

In a webinar, our experts have already provided deeper insights into the developments surrounding the deposit system for single-use beverage containers in Austria.

Get important insights now:
