Analyse your EPR commitments

Our service for your individual EPR obligations

Transparency of all EPR obligations relevant to you

Categorisation of urgency by our expert teams

Individualised consideration of your own product portfolio

Navigating the different legal frameworks in the various countries within the framework of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a major challenge for companies. Understanding the multitude of regulations and knowing the resulting obligations can be very complex.

We analyse your individual situation, identify the relevant regulatory requirements and define your specific obligations, including prioritisation. We then derive the necessary measures and support you in risk assessment so that your company can act in compliance with the law in a dynamic regulatory environment and thus remain competitive.

Our offer in detail

Analyse der EPR-Verpflichtungen nach EPR-Richtlinie

Do you have questions about EPR? Simply contact our experts. Together we will find a solution for your individual challenge.

Worum geht es

EPR-Richtlinie und EPR-Verpflichtung

EPR gains international significance

Companies that operate in different national markets are subject to different obligations. Failure to fulfil these obligations can have economic and, subsequently, monetary consequences. These can include fines, a negative image among consumers or even complete sales bans. It should therefore be in the interests of a commercially successful company to fulfil all EPR requirements in an exemplary manner and thus secure a competitive advantage.

EPR commitments: We solve your challenges

Our international expertise and market knowledge make us your perfect partner. We check the international and national obligations for your individual product categories, analyse your distribution channels and support you with the respective processing. We offer our services not only in and for Europe, but also in North America with our partner RecycleMe USA.

Do you have any questions so far? Contact our compliance experts or take a closer look at our services!

Unser Angebot

Our analyses of the EPR Directive in detail:

We offer a comprehensive solution for analysing your obligations in the context of Extended Producer Responsibility, which includes operational implementation as well as the development of expertise within your company.

RecycleMe Angebot zur EPR-Richtlinie

Analysis of country-specific obligations and individual implementation

In an initial compliance check, we review the relevant legal obligations of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging, waste electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and other relevant product categories for each country/market. As part of a gap analysis, it is also possible to carry out a detailed review to determine which EPR obligations already meet current requirements and in which areas there is still potential for optimisation or gaps. From this, we derive the corresponding requirements for action. Finally, we carry out a potential analysis to correctly categorise your product and packaging category for the licensing of your product in the respective target market.

Advice on implementing your EPR obligations

Do you want to build up comprehensive EPR expertise? We can advise you on the country-specific implementation of your international obligations. As part of training courses or joint workshops, we develop sensible next steps and provide you with the tools you need to fulfil the previously analysed obligations.

Operational processing of your EPR obligations

You can rely on our compliance expertise to save valuable time, internal resources and personnel costs. As a highly specialised service provider, we can take care of all your EPR obligations: if our analysis indicates a need, we can also take care of the registration and regular reporting to systems and authorities, as well as the preparation of packaging and product data for the required reports.

We support you!

We support companies worldwide with our compliance services. If you have a specific challenge, we will work with you to find the right solution!

Get advice now

Partner & Kunden

Unser internationales Netzwerk ist ein wesentlicher Faktor für unseren Erfolg. Wir verstehen uns als Koordinator der Circular Economy und arbeiten international mit allen Akteuren entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette zusammen.

Kooperationspartner & Kunden

Are you looking for more insights on this topic?

Are you interested in deeper insights into the topic of EPR compliance in general? Discover our exciting blog articles that provide you with valuable information and the latest developments.

We also offer these services:

Compliance Services

Our services in addition to the analysis of your EPR obligations:

Registrierung & Mengenmeldung, Bevollmächtigter, Verpackungs­analyse, Audits, SUP, Pfand

RecycleMe offers a range of services to address EPR challenges head on. From assistance with national registrations to classification, data collection and volume calculations, we provide end-to-end support. Our tailored approach ensures compliance in all relevant countries or markets, overcoming the complexity of EPR regulations and minimising the risk of non-compliance. And not just for the European market: for EPR obligations in the North American market, visit our colleagues at RecycleMe USA.

Market Trends and Developments

Wir beobachten internationale gesetzliche Entwicklungen und informieren Sie über wichtige Veränderungen im Markt.

Legal Watch, Studie und Workshops, PPWR,
Pfand Österreich


Wir analysieren, bewerten und optimieren die Recyclingfähigkeit Ihrer Verpackungen.

Kostenloses Online-Bewertungstool, Erweiterte Zertifizierung, Sortierversuche


Wir bieten Ihnen Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung internationaler Vorgaben zur korrekten Kennzeichnung von Verpackungen.


Ich freue mich darauf, Sie und Ihr Unternehmen kennenzulernen!

Katharina Brand-Haushofer
Circularity Manager


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