Our services in relation to the authorised representative service
Fulfil legal EPR requirements and save time and money
Transparency in the fulfilment of EPR obligations
No language or bureaucratic hurdles for your company
We support you in appointing an authorised representative to fulfil the EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) obligations for relevant products in the countries where this is required.
Do you have questions about appointing a representative? Simply contact our experts. Together we will find a solution for your individual challenge.
Worum geht es
Special obligations for foreign companies without a registered office
In most EU Member States, foreign manufacturers without a registered office are legally obliged to appoint an authorised representative for certain EPR categories, such as WEEE, in order to fulfil their extended producer responsibility obligations. For packaging, batteries and single use plastics (SUP), this obligation also exists in some countries. The responsibilities of an authorised representative are in most cases the same as the EPR responsibilities of the producer. However, they may vary slightly depending on the EPR category. General obligations on behalf of the manufacturer include submitting reports and data to regulatory authorities, entering into contracts and coordinating with producer responsibility organisations, ensuring compliance with EPR obligations, and acting as a point of contact for stakeholders and regulatory authorities.
Do you have any questions so far? Contact our experts or take a closer look at our services!
Unser Angebot
Our offer for the appointment of an authorised representative in detail:
We offer a comprehensive solution for the fulfilment of Extended Producer Responsibility on behalf of manufacturers from abroad.
Authorisation Service for the whole of Europe
We support you in appointing authorised representatives and use our AuthoriseMe service and partner network. With our service, all aspects of your EPR compliance are covered, while we act as your point of contact to reduce the complexity of communication. Together we can optimise your EPR compliance process across Europe, save time and resources and avoid potential penalties.
Foreign mail-order companies without a registered office
The obligation to appoint an authorised representative applies to mail order companies that place their packaging or electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) on the market to private final consumers from abroad in some EU member states, as well as to foreign distance sellers of single-use plastic products (such as wet wipes, balloons, tobacco products, etc.). The obligation applies regardless of where the foreign company is based, i.e. whether it is based in an EU country or in a third country.
In some countries, the appointment of an authorised representative is not yet mandatory for some EPR categories. However, many producers still choose to do so, especially if they are commercially active in several markets with different regulations. By appointing an authorised representative, producers can ensure that all obligations related to the disposal and recycling of packaging waste are fulfilled effectively and efficiently.
We support you!
We support companies worldwide with our compliance services. If you have a specific challenge, we will work with you to find the right solution!
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We also offer these services:
Compliance Services
Unsere weiteren Compliance Service Leistungen neben dem Bevollmächtigtenservice:
Registrierung & Mengenmeldung, Analyse der Verpflichtungen, Verpackungsanalyse, Audits, SUP, Pfand
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Katharina Brand-Haushofer
Circularity Manager
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