Compliance Service: Handling your EPR obligations

Our service for your international EPR compliance

Registration with national authorities and registers and appointment of an authorised representative

Connection to Producer Responsibility Organisations (PROs) throughout Europe

Processing of (inter)national licensing obligations and reporting

Packaging, WEEE, batteries, SUP and deposit from a single source

Manufacturers and distributors of packaging and other product categories (e.g. batteries and electrical appliances) are legally obliged in many countries to register with an authority or a national register. In some cases, an authorised representative must also be appointed so that packaging placed on the market can subsequently participate in a Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO).

EPR International - EPR-Compliance Abwicklung

Fulfilling the associated EPR obligations often entails complex requirements and demands a sound data basis and a detailed analysis of the individual situation.

Our offer in detail

Do you have questions about handling EPR obligations? Simply contact our experts. Together we will find a solution for your individual challenge.

Worum geht es

Nationale Registrierungs­prozesse und der Bevollmächtigte für EPR International

National registration processes and the authorised representative

The registration processes and requirements vary depending on the country and EPR category, such as packaging, electrical appliances and batteries. We assist our customers to simplify this complex process and ensure that all legal requirements are fully met. We also assist in organising the appointment of an authorised representative to meet the legal requirements in each country.

Take-back of packaging, WEEE and other product categories

RecycleMe is your central point of contact for all questions relating to the recyclability of packaging and other product categories – where we cannot offer services through our group of companies, we have been working successfully with various partners for years and ensure that our customers can operate in compliance with the EPR.

Manufacturers and distributors of packaging and other product categories, such as electrical appliances (WEEE), batteries, single-use plastic products (SUP products), products containing hazardous substances or other country-specific EPR categories, are obliged in several countries to participate in a Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) and assume Extended Producer Responsibility before the legislator. The PRO takes on tasks such as collecting, taking back, recycling and disposing of the products.

The financing by the companies often covers the costs of these services and is usually calculated based on the type and quantity of products placed on the market.

RecycleMe is part of an international group of companies and can therefore draw on a large network of service providers along the entire value chain. Under the Reclay brand, Reclay operates its own PROs for packaging and products in Germany, Austria, France, Spain, Finland and Slovakia and works with recognised PROs in all other European countries. With AuthoriseMe and other partners, we can offer companies an authorised representative, which is mandatory in many European countries if the company does not have its own registered office there but supplies packaging or packaged products.

Do you have any questions so far? Contact our experts or take a closer look at our services!

Unser Angebot

Our offer in the field of EPR International:

In this context, our services focus on the comprehensive handling of your take-back obligations for the categories packaging, batteries and WEEE.

RecycleMe EPR Compliance Angebot

Registration with national authorities and support in appointing an authorised representative

We support our customers with registration with national authorities and registers. For manufacturers from abroad, we also offer a comprehensive solution for fulfilling extended producer responsibility and support you in commissioning authorised representatives with AuthoriseMe or our partner network. RecycleMe remains your point of contact for all services relating to authorisation.

Access to Producer Responisbility Organisations

We support you in connecting to recognised PROs so that you fulfil your take-back obligations – either via our own take-back systems or via our partner network.

Handling your EPR obligations

We take care of reporting the quantity data in the countries relevant to you. We also check the plausibility of the reporting data and take over communication with the respective systems and authorities, provide information on reporting-relevant changes in the countries commissioned and (if possible) take over registration with the competent authorities. In doing so, we always take into account the reporting-relevant differences in the individual countries. Whether sales packaging, transport packaging, commercial packaging or secondary packaging – we will find the right solution.

Take-back of batteries, WEEE, SUP, deposit and other categories

In addition to traditional sales and transport packaging, there are other product obligations that place special demands on take-back and proper disposal. Not only can electrical appliances, batteries and accumulators or packaging containing hazardous substances contain critical materials, but proper disposal also presents manufacturers with complex challenges. Here too, we offer you comprehensive support in handling your obligations.

We support you!

We support companies worldwide with our compliance services. If you have a specific challenge, we will work with you to find the right solution!

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Partner & Kunden

Unser internationales Netzwerk ist ein wesentlicher Faktor für unseren Erfolg. Wir verstehen uns als Koordinator der Circular Economy und arbeiten international mit allen Akteuren entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette zusammen.

Kooperationspartner & Kunden

Would you like to know more about our Compliance Services?

Are you interested in deeper insights into the topic of EPR Compliance? Discover our exciting blog articles that provide you with valuable information and the latest developments.

We also offer these services:

Compliance Services

Our services in addition to the handling of your EPR obligations:

Bevollmächtigter, Analyse der Verpflichtungen, Verpackungs­analyse, Audits, SUP, Pfand

Market Trends and Develop­ments

We monitor international legal developments and keep you informed of important changes in the market.

Legal Watch, Studie und Workshops, PPWR, Pfand Österreich


We analyse, evaluate and optimise the recyclability of your packaging.

Kostenloses Online-Bewertungstool, Erweiterte Zertifizierung, Sortierversuche


We offer you support in implementing international requirements for the correct labelling of packaging.


Ich freue mich darauf, Sie und Ihr Unternehmen kennenzulernen!

Katharina Brand-Haushofer
Circularity Manager


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